Saturday, March 14, 2020


Here is a nice old traditional Santo Domingo Thunderbird necklace from the 1940's. These necklaces are often referred to as Depression Necklaces. During that era, materials were scarce and so the Santo Domingo indians used whatever materials were available to make these necklace - materials such as broken bakelite shards, gypsum, colored plastic from combs, pails or restaurant spoons and forks, crushed turquoise chips, while old phonograph records or car battery casings were used as the backing material. This set has crushed turquoise insets in each piece of the necklace. These necklaces were sold to tourists along the highway or at RR stops for as little as 1-dollar during the Great Depression. They've become so collectible that they're becoming more and more difficult to come by. If you are collecting these types of Santo Domingo depression folk art necklaces, this one would be a wonderful addition to your collection.

Tumbleweeds Jewelry

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