Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Native American Silversmith: Kirk Smith

We recently learned that one of our favorite Navajo silversmiths - Kirk Smith - died tragically on Monday, September 17, 2012. Kirk Smith was a student and former brother-in-law of the late master silversmith Harry Morgan. Kirk Smith's work is considered collector and investment quality. He began making jewelry in the 1960s, learning from his grandfather. His artistry and his vision will be sorely missed.

Below is an article from the local New Mexico Channel 4 newsroom:

"KOB Eyewitness News 4 learned what led to the death of a renowned Native American artist outside a Subway restaurant Monday night.

Albuquerque police confirmed on Tuesday that Rayono “Kirk” Smith died after being thrown from a moving pickup truck near Menaul and Princeton.

According to Smith’s family, he and his wife were in town buying supplies for his silver jewelry-making business when they stopped at the Subway to eat before heading back to their home in Grants.

That is when a blue Dodge pickup drove through the parking lot and hit Smith’s truck. An eyewitness told KOB that Smith went out to confront the driver, but that the driver and two others in the truck just laughed. Then they drove off and Smith jumped onto the truck's hood. The driver swerved to get Smith off the truck. Smith did fall and was found critically injured on Claremont Street. He later died at University of New Mexico Hospital.

Smith's cousin, Calvin Martinez told KOB the reason Smith confronted the driver of the pickup truck, was to get him to stay in the parking lot until the police could be called.

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Pura Vida said...

so lucky that my mom gifted me some of his work!

Anonymous said...

Kirk Smith was a true artist and just a good human being...everytime I wear one of his works I think of how sad it is to have lost him.