Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gallup, New Mexico - The Source

I arrived in Gallup, New Mexico this afternoon (Sunday) a little after noon time, so I drove directly to re-known Earl's Family Restaurant on Route 66. I have always wanted to stop at this famous Rt 66 diner stop, but in the past, it has always been too crowded to get in, with lines of cars waiting!  I had already decided that no matter how long I had to wait, I would do it. But this time I was in luck. I found a parking spot right away and was checking out the Native American vendors outside the restaurant within minutes of my arrival. The Navajo taco was good enough but I was really there for a sopapilla with honey. Mmmm. The vendors stopped by my table at a leisurely pace & in a respectful manner. They answered my questions honestly, but you do have to ask the right it sterling silver? it block turquoise? etc...

Gallup is pretty much shuttered up and closed on Sunday, so I drove  about 8 miles east of town to visit Red Rock State Park. Beautiful spot and again nobody around. Just me and a few cute prairie dogs!

Pawn shopping starts tomorrow!

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