Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Featured Artist - Joseph Coriz, Santo Domingo (Kewa)

The work of Santo Domingo silversmith Joseph Coriz is very distinctive and easily recognizable. He works primarily with sterling silver, rolled heishi beads, turquoise, coral and handmade silver beads. He creates some of the finest jewelry available today. We would like to highlight his work for you here.

Joseph Coriz is a Native American Indian who was born into the Santo Domingo Pueblo in 1958. He was inspired to follow in the footsteps of his parents, who were very successful at making beautiful handmade jewelry, and Videl Aragon, who was known for his fine silversmith petroglyph designs. They taught him all the fundamentals of working with beads and raw silver at a very young age. Joseph absorbed each piece of information about the traditional hand crafted jewelry and eventually developed his own style. He combines traditional methods with his own unique contemporary flare creating primarily sterling silver designs. He creates beautiful masterpieces of fine jewelry and has become one of the finest master silversmiths of our time.

Awards: Santa Fe Indian Market, Eight Northern Pueblo Art Show, Colorado Springs Art Show, New Mexico State Fair, Heard Museum Art SHow.

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