Saturday, September 27, 2008

BUY INDIAN! Promoting authentic Native American Indian Jewelry

It's shameful! A substantial percentage of the jewelry sold as Native American jewelry is actually made in China, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Mexico and is misrepresented as Navajo or Zuni. Cheap imported knock offs hurt hardworking and talented Native American craftspeople as well as legitimate Native American jewelry sellers. It's harmful to the entire Native American jewelry market! If authenticity is important to you, buy only from reputable sellers who offer genuine Native American made merchandise. Please support our indigenous Native American artists.

Tumbleweeds Jewelry is a member in good standing of IACA - the Indian Arts & Crafts Association - which is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support the effective protection, ethical promotion and preservation of American Indian arts and crafts. "IACA works to stop fraud and abuse within the Indian art market through education, publicity, authentication and use of its logo to indicate certified ethical businesses. IACA was formed when members of the Indian arts and crafts industry became concerned when imitations and imports were flooding the marketplace. They realized that by joining forces they could work more effectively to promote authenticity and find ways to educate the buyers and public about American Indian art."

"The IACA logo assures buyers and collectors of purchasing with confidence. The symbol is copy-righted and only members of the Association are allowed to use it. As a member, each artist and business agrees to honestly and ethically represent their merchandise and to abide by all state and federal laws."

The above quoted material above was taken from the IACA website. You can visit their website at You can see that I proudly display the IACA logo on my website When you are purchasing Native American Indian Jewelry, look for the IACA logo!

All of the jewelry that I sell is AUTHENTIC Native American handcrafted jewelry. I purchase most of the new items directly, in person, at the reservations or from the artists themselves. Most new items come with a Certificate of Authenticity. The pawn items are purchased by me, in person, from reputable Southwestern pawn shops with whom I have dealt for many years. Most of the vintage pieces are obtained from friends of my family who run a Western and Native American Art auction house in New Mexico. They have been in business for many years and are very knowledgeable. And finally, my family has dealt in Native American and other antiquities for over 90 years, and I have specialized in Indian Jewelry for the last 20 years. This insures the authenticity of the jewelry I sell and protects your investment.

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