Thursday, February 2, 2012

Sammy & Esther Guardian Zuni Inlay Jewelry

Don't you just love the exquisite multi-gem jewelry of Zuni lapidarists and silversmiths, Sammy & Esther Guardian? Sammy & Esther Guardian are one of the best Zuni husband and wife teams working today. The artists are especially well-known for their inlaid birds and other animals and their intricate inlay jewelry is surprisingly affordable.

They started making jewelry in the 1960's and their work can be seen in all the Native American and Zuni jewelry reference books. (Gregory Schaaf's book American Indian Jewelry I, Volume 2 of Zuni the Art and the People by Ed, Barbara and Steve Bell, Barton Wright's Hallmarks of the Southwest,as well as Theda Bassman's Zuni Jewelry). They have won many awards over the years. These two Zuni jewelers have created mosaic as well as inlay jewelry. They make bolos, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, pendants and pins using gold, silver, coral, turquoise, jet, mother-of-pearl, abalone shell and penn shell.  

We have a great selection of Sammy & Esther Guardian bracelets, earrings, pendants & belt buckles featuring red cardinals, colorful hummingbirds, bald eagles, blue jays, roadrunners, and snowy owls. Visit our website

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